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(510) 351-5345


2777 Alvarado Street, Suite E
San Leandro, CA 94577


Practice Areas

Divorce/Legal Separation

Most couples envision a bright future when they tie the knot with that...

Child Custody

A divorce is a difficult time for everyone involved, especially the children. You’d...

Child Support

You want to make sure you get the best and the fairest arrangement...

Name Change

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Family law is a branch of the law which pertains to family matters. If you’re tasked with sorting through legal issues pertaining to family matters, you’ll want a lawyer or attorney who specializes in this specific branch of the law.

Your family lawyer provides you with excellent representation during legal proceedings between you and your family members, which could include divorce, alimony, domestic violence, child custody, child support, and child visitation, but also might provide counsel regarding adoption and guardianship.


A divorce is often tumultuous to both involved parties. It’s prudent to secure excellent legal counsel and representation for your divorce for a variety of reasons. If the divorce is contested, it will be your divorce lawyer’s job to protect what is rightfully yours and see that justice is done if taken to court. Even if uncontested, your lawyer will review all legal and official documents to ensure the agreement both parties have reached is exactly what is executed when everything is finalized.

When you see red at the sight of your partner, your divorce lawyer is there to keep a level head and hold the line on a sound strategy to guarantee you the best possible outcome.


One of the biggest points of contention during a divorce is child custody. Sometimes the two parents or two involved parties reach an agreement prior or during mediation, but sometimes they are unable because the disagree regarding what is best for the children.

In contested circumstances such as these, it becomes the job of your lawyer to argue your case to the judge, and the judge will reserve the right to make a final say regarding the best arrangement for the children. Some things could be left to chance, but certainly not the best interests of your children!

That’s why it’s important to make sure your divorce lawyer is skilled and experienced to make sure you get exactly what you and your children deserve.


Without a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in place, you can expect to kiss some of your assets goodbye during a divorce. A court will often divide all assets, debt, and property 50-50, depending on the state in which you file your divorce in, even if you contributed more to the marriage than your partner.

Before you make peace with losing what you have worked so hard to achieve, consult a great divorce attorney. Their experience and insight will both give you an expectation of what might happen while also assisting you receive what you deserve if things go to court.


Sometimes, in a divorce, you will receive sole or partial custody of your children but, because your future former spouse footed the bill for most of their expenses, it will be reasonable and necessary for them to continue doing so. Your children deserve every opportunity to succeed in life, regardless of your marital status or feelings about their other parent.

That’s why it’s important to hire a good divorce attorney to review your case and fight for what’s right. Don’t let a selfish, stubborn, or otherwise challenging person deprive your children of what they deserve. Hire a great attorney to make sure you get the outcome that’s best for you and your children.


It’s easy to say that the breadwinning spouse deserves to keep everything they “rightfully earned,” but did they truly earn it alone? Sometimes the other spouse is stuck at home rearing the children and leaving their career on pause to provide the best support to their family while the other works.

In situations such as these, it’s perfectly reasonable to expect spousal support so the non-breadwinning spouse can maintain the quality of life they’re accustomed to while they ease into post-divorce life and pick up the pieces of their own careers.

To make sure you get what’s truly fair, consult a great family or divorce lawyer before you head into mediation or court.


Unfortunately, words don’t cut it when a situation has become violent or dangerous to an individual involved in a toxic family or marriage. Filing for a restraining order is important to make sure your safety is guaranteed while justice is served.

If you need a volatile or violent family member or spouse out of your house and out of your life immediately, it’s important to hire an excellent attorney to make sure the process is carried out swiftly and correctly.


Meeting with a family lawyer does not always have to be regarding dire or difficult circumstances. Stepparent adoption, for example, is often a positive thing, granting a stepparent who is present in the life of the child to hold custodial rights over a child, especially if the child’s second parent is noncustodial or otherwise uninvolved in their life.

After all, stepparents who are there everyday raising and guiding a child into adulthood are, in most every sense of the word, real parents, and deserve to be considered a true parent in the eyes of the law. A great family lawyer will definitely help “make it official.”


Sometimes a couple thinks they want a divorce, but they are unsure, unable to afford it, or want to maintain legal ties to one another for financial purposes. In situations such as these, a legal separation is a happy medium between terminating the marriage completely or sticking it out in a loveless marriage.

A legal separation, as the name implies, legally separates the two parties in the marriage so they are no longer living together but still legally married. This allows the couple to decide if they really want the divorce or if they’d rather work things out after a period of reflection alone.


Divorce is often considered the only step to take if your marriage is not working out. This totally overlooks the possibility of annulment, which, instead of terminating a marriage, cancels it out completely as though it never existed in the first place.

A situation that involves bigamy, forced consent, or fraud are often ideal for an annulment instead of a divorce, but each situation is unique. To find out if you’re eligible for an annulment instead of a divorce, consult a qualified and experienced family lawyer.

Whether you are going through a divorce, trying to gain custody/visitation with a child, or were struck by a vehicle, you are in an emotional state and need help resolving your issues easily and stress-free. It is important for you to know your rights, as well as the rights of the other party. Our office is family-friendly and provides complete support for the preparation of all documents from the first filing through Judgment/Settlement/Trial. Your papers will be prepared according to the information you provide, as well as what the law requires. We explain each step precisely so that you are updated, without being stressed.

Practicing Family Law, Personal Injury Law, and Divorce Law in San Leandro, CA.

Bagner Law, P.C.



Our Blog


January 14, 2020

Tips To Picking Choosing The Best Lawyer For You

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November 14, 2020

Personal Injury Advice Everyone Should Know About

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What Our Clients Say

  • Vonnah Bagner is an outstanding family and divorce attorney. She is a caring and compassionate person who looks out for the best interest of her clients.
    Hayward Highland, Hayward, CA
  • I had been dealing with a divorce, custody and child support on my own for years. Frustrated with the rulings, dealings with my Ex, and frequency of having to be in court I decided to obtain an lawyer. of...
  • Vonnah is the best family law attorney in San Leandro. Bagner Law really takes pride in providing compassionate and competent assistance in adoption, divorce, custody, and all services related to family law.
    Murrieta, CA
  • I can’t even find the words to describe Ms. Bagner. She went above and beyond to assist my husband and I with a custody case my husband was dealing with for about 10 years. This year we decided to get...
    Miss M
  • Ms. Bagner is an absolute seasoned attorney and above all professional, very professional! I cannot thank her enough for representing me in my child custody case. Vonnah is direct, expeditious, courteous, caring and extremely positive. She champions what is best...
    Adriana L.
  • "Vonnah was a warrior in our custody case this week. Her relentless drive to expose the truth led to a victory in our case. Such a well-rounded and delightful person. I rate her a 5 out of 5 "  
    Betty Smith
    Facebook Review March 6th, 2020
  • "Vonnah is extremely professional and good at what she does. She also always took time, didn’t rush me and helped me when I was in at times very stressful situations. I really appreciate the help, and know she is a...
    John Ferraro
  • "During my divorce, Vonnah Bagner assistance was invaluable. Her expertise, legal advice, and compassion helped to put my mind at ease and fully understand my options. In what was one of the most stressful times of my life, being represented...
  • They were so nice and polite I explained my situation and they broke it down and told me all my options and reassured me that they understand situations like this. She helped me with my Bittman. I highly recommend if...
    Shantell Sample
    Facebook Review August 20th, 2021

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Our Location

2777 Alvarado Street, Suite E
San Leandro, CA 94577

Call US

Phone:(510) 351-5345

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 5:30pm (PST) Friday 8:30am - 2:00pm
Weekends and After-Hours by Appointment

Service Area

East Bay Area (Alameda and
Contra Costa Counties)