Fremont, CA – East Bay Family Lawyer / Attorney Offers Child Support Services
As the East Bay Area’s leading family law firm Bagner Law has decades of experience helping separated families with child support services. We will help you negotiate child support as part of the marriage dissolution process with terms the court is most likely to approve.
What Is Child Support?
The state of California’s Department of Child Support Services defines child support as an ongoing contribution of money to help pay for the living and medical expenses of a child until they reach adulthood. California’s Child Support Services program coordinates the process to ensure custodial and non-custodial parents receive the financial support ordered by the court.
How Is the Child Support Amount Determined
The state of California has specific guidelines for determining the amount of child support one parent is required to pay to the other. These funds are meant to cover the child’s cost of living and medical expenses. The primary factors they input into the child support equation use the income of each parent, as well as the parenting time each one spends with the child.
The amount of child support will also be influenced by the number of mutual children the parents share. There is a sliding scale which increases incrementally for each child under the age of 18.
An experienced attorney will help you understand the process for calculating child support. They can also help you determine any other factors potentially affecting the child support determination.
This might include things like fluctuating income from seasonal work or self-employment. One or both parties receiving public assistance might also be a factor in determining the child support amount.
Is It Possible to Negotiate a Child Support Amount
Many marriage dissolutions are resolved through mediation with one or both parents represented by an attorney. Many of these negotiations include child support and child custody.
It’s important to understand that even if you and your coparent come to a mutual compromise, the court will still review all facets before approving it. If the negotiated child support amount is too far outside of the guidelines established by California’s Department of Child Support Services, the court might not approve the dissolution agreement.
Especially if it will require one parent to request public assistance to meet their child’s needs during their parenting time.
The Benefits of Having a Family Law Expert on Your Side
An experienced attorney will help you negotiate fair child support terms that are in the best interest of the child while also meeting the court’s requirements. They will also help you understand how other factors like parenting time, spousal maintenance and the division of assets might impact the child support process.