Oakland, CA – Importance of Hiring a Family Lawyer for Property / Asset Divisions
The division of property and assets is one of the most challenging parts of the marriage dissolution process. Bagner Law has grown to become the East Bay Areas leading family law firm by helping thousands of people get what they truly deserve at the end of their marriage.
The state of California treats property, assets and debts in the dissolution of marriage using the community property principle. This means that property and debts acquired throughout the marriage are owned equally by each spouse.
However, most marriage dissolutions are settled without going to court. Many spouses choose to negotiate the division of assets and debts during a mediation process. This is the less costly option that gives you the best chance of seeing a positive outcome at the end.
Why You Need a Lawyer on Your Side
The process of dividing assets and debts is often emotionally charged. Having an experienced lawyer negotiate for you keeps tempers from flaring, while moving a deft hand to give you the best chance for an equitable settlement.
An experienced lawyer will also help you understand the long-term impact of each asset or piece of property. How it might grow in value or depreciate over time.
What Things Are Marital Assets?
In the community property principle used by the state of California recognizes marital assets as any real estate, vehicles, investments, savings, and income earned during the marriage. If you cannot come to a mutual resolution during mediation, the courts will determine the division of assets.
In some of these cases, other factors might come into play. This can include things like the earning potential of the spouses, which might also offset things like the allocation of debts of disputes over spousal maintenance.
Division of Debts
Any debts incurred during the marriage will also need to be divided in the negotiation process. An experienced lawyer can help you understand how to use debt division as a bargaining chip when dividing property and assets.
This includes understanding the long-term weight of specific debts. As well as how those debts can be offset by certain assets or pieces of property.
The East Bay Area’s Leading Family Law Firm
As the East Bay Area’s leading family law firm, we have decades of experience helping our clients get the fair and equitable division of assets they deserve. We will help you through every step of the process, from assessing the true value of your marital assets and debts to calmly negotiating for you in mediation.
If you can’t come to a resolution, we will vigorously represent you in the court of law. You’ll rest easy knowing you have the East Bay’s best family law practice on your side.