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Bagner Law has over two decades of experience helping separated families negotiate marriage dissolution, parenting time and custody issues. As the East Bay Area’s leading family law expert, we will help you with every facet of split custody from negotiations to modifications, child support and compliance.

What Is Split Custody

Split custody differs from shared custody, split custody in as the mutual children of both parents are split up. It might be that some of the children spend more time living with one parent during specific times.

The goal of many split custody agreements is to minimize the amount of time children spend traveling between each parent’s home or school. It might also be beneficial if one or more children have special needs, and one parent is more capable of meeting those needs.

Sometimes split custody agreements are needed to separate siblings who don’t get along, or to ensure the close emotional ties a specific child has with one of their parents.

Split Custody and Visitation

Split custody typically allows for specific visitation time with the children for the non-custodial parent. This might be a division of specific holidays or seasons. Sometimes children will live with one parent during the school week, and with the other parent on weekends.

If both parents live a significant distance apart, a split custody agreement might have the children living with one parent during the school year. The other parent then has the children for all or a portion of the summer break or significant holiday break times during the school year.

Is Split Custody Negotiable?

Child custody is one of the hot button issues in a lot of marriage dissolution mediations. Having an experienced family law expert on your side will help you understand the terms and conditions of split custody.

Split custody can also affect other elements of a marriage dissolution negotiation. This includes things like spousal maintenance, child support determinations, and even the division of certain debts and assets.

Is It Possible to Modify a Split Custody Agreement?

A significant change of circumstances might warrant a joint custody agreement to be modified either through the courts of mediation. Split custody might be required if one parent moves a significant distance away or moves out of state.

Split custody might be necessary if one parent suffers serious medical problems or is convicted of a crime. In a case of abuse or neglect split custody might also need to include clauses for supervised parenting time.

How Does a Judge Determine Split Custody

If you can’t reach a split custody agreement a judge will determine custody based on the best interests of the child. This includes several factors such as Health, safety, and welfare of the child, as well as factors like housing, proximity to school, and any history of domestic abuse or child neglect.

The Benefits of Having a Family Law Expert on Your Side

As the East Bay Area’s leading family law expert Bagner Law has decades of experience dealing with split custody cases. We’ve helped countless numbers of families understand all the elements of split custody.

Whether your split custody dispute is part of a marriage dissolution, or you need to modify an existing joint custody agreement, we’ll always have your child’s best interest in mind.